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Pierre & Florent

Mémoire habillée

From October 7 to November 12, 2023

On the occasion of the Rencontres Photographiques du 10e, the Porte B. gallery is hosting this fall the first solo show by Pierre & Florent entitled Mémoire habillée.

“To dress is to show oneself to the world in a way that one chooses. Profession, belonging, disguise, camouflage or even political act, clothing is omnipresent in our lives. It says something about us that we try to control but which sometimes escapes us. It reminds us of who we were yesterday, who we dreamed of becoming, who were those who came before us.”


At the boundaries of fashion, performance, documentary and autofiction, the exhibition Mémoirehabillere presents a series of portraits made from an accumulation of clothing, accessories and objects of all kinds. This skillfully orchestrated accumulation becomes the very material of the portrait – the costume through which the details of a real or imagined story are revealed.

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